Our Roots
Homestead Gardens began out of Ron Weaver’s interest in growing hardy, healthy plants.
Growing up as a child, Ron experimented with growing flowers in a small, backyard greenhouse, which sparked his love for growing plants.
Over the years, Ron continued growing with wholesale tomatoes and eventually transitioning into bedding plants and flowers in 1990.
In our first year, we began by growing just a few varieties of flowers and some hanging baskets with a roadside stand set-up. Over the years, we have grown to offer hundreds of flowering plants, hundreds of hanging baskets, and a variety of popular plants.
In 2019, after years of carrying Proven Winner petunias, including Bubblegum Supertunias, Homestead became an official Proven Winners certified greenhouse.
Outside of the spring season, Homestead Gardens attends the Overbrook Farmers Market in Philly on Saturdays from 9am-1pm, June-November.
Year-round, Homestead Gardens grows fresh-cut herbs for Stauffers of Kissel Hill.

Ron & Rosene Weaver, owners of Homestead Gardens